Back of Box:
Reckless fools have violated a sacred Indian burial ground. Now they must pay the price.
Enter a world where anything is possible...Where a resurrected Indian warrior
seeks revenge for his people...Where the terror of his mission looms large around every corner.
Will the grave robbers survive? Only the ghost dancer can tell.
Plot: Killer Indians, something
you don't really get to see a lot of in the slasher genre. It's a shame, because this film has made me a huge fan of
them. The story even throws in some supernatural aspects, and they work. I was very impressed by this film's plot
and it even echoes into today's mainstream (Ala The Mummy). Props.
Acting: Great acting
all around. Julie Amato handles the part of Dr. Kay Foster very well. I thought the killer, Aranjo (Henry
Bal), brought a rough and genuinely scary performance. Victor Mohica plays a very likable Tom Eagle and
Paul Michaels (James Andronica) had me rooting for him the whole time. I also have to note Ocasio (Frank Sotonoma
Salsedo), nice. I dug the whole Indian Shaman thing.
Gore: Body Count (8) Again,
this film impresses me. I'm lucky enough to find good acting, but good gore too? Yes, and all of it was shockingly
well done. I'm talking spear impalement (Out of control), dog attack, slit throat, and glass shard stabbing.
The bloodshed seems even nicer, due to the fact that the parts that didn't involve blood weren't
Suspense: Suspense?
On top of a good story, acting, and gore? I'd be lying if I said no. This film sets up some great, truly suspenseful
scenes. The film uses the museum setting to a tee (A great chase scene through there). The connection
between Julie Amato and Henry Bal proves to be somewhat scary (Proof found in one of the film's "hypnotizing" scenes).
I also have to mention an excellently creepy (Somewhat cheesy), highway stalking scene.
Directing: Very creative
camera work throughout. Nice set-ups and great use of the film's settings (Especially the desert). We
also get treated to some slow-mo. If that wasn't enough, there's an extremely trippy possession scene (Reminded
me of Altered States).
Tech: The lighting
leaves something to be desired, but still works pretty well. The sound is a bit muffled at times, but the soundtrack
sounded great (Loved the deep voice chanting Nahalla every time the killer
steps on screen). If there was one thing that did this film justice, it was the editing. This
is clearly seen in the film's every death scene and the highway stalking
scene (Had to mention it again because it was my favorite).
Other: I'll admit
that the film itself is pretty obvious. The twists and the ending come right to you, but I just can't knock the film
for that (What haven't you seen in a thousand other films anyway).
Final Word: Well...Overall, I'd have to say this
film is an obscure slasher treasure, one that doesn't deserve to stay buried. If I could pick one
film for a real DVD transfer, this would be it. And my "final word."