What's your favorite scary movie?
A: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974).
Q: Fatal Pictures is the love child of yourself and Director Richard Powell, how did you two get together? A: We met at film school in 2003/2004. I went to school for Post Production and he went to Film
Production. We worked on a project together in our film school days and continued to work very well together, thus creating
Fatal Pictures in 2007.
Q: You play Producer and Richard plays Writer/Director, had you two always planned
on it being that way? A: Richard went to school for Directing, I went to school for Post Production (Editing).
It made sense that I would produce all of the projects/films we did together. It just came natural, plus I
love making contacts and networking comes easy to me.
Q: Was the
horror genre your first choice? A: Richard is the main writer at Fatal Pictures and he happens to love horror and
true crime/thriller type stuff. I can definitely tell you that the first few features you will see from Fatal Pictures
will be of the horror/thriller genre.
Q: Do you wear any other hats, as far as Fatal Pictures is concerned? A: Yes, I would have to say I wear many, many hats when it comes to what I do for Fatal Pictures.
Richard too. It really comes out a lot on set when we're actually creating the films. I would be all over
the set. I'd be with the grips and the gaffers one minute and the next minute I'd be with Richard or the A.D.
Just my way of making sure everyone is happy and comfortable. Off the set I mainly have my Producer hat on
full time.
Q: Any desire to one day sit in the Director's chair? A: As of right now, no I don't. However, I can already tell you that I do think I'd love to direct one day.
Q: Now the first thing Fatal Pictures put out was a short film called Consumption, could
you tell us a little about it? A: "The complex and tragic relationship between an eccentric professor and a confused
young woman." Consumption is a nice little tale based on a case that took place in Germany around
2002/2003, I think. A man placed an add in a newspaper, another man responded, and they actually documented their tale
of consensual cannibalism.
Q: How about the new short, Worm, could you tell us about that one? A: Worm is a day in the mind of Geoffrey Dodd, a seeming kind, gentle and sane High School
teacher. As we follow Geoffrey through the course of a typical school day we gain an eerie insight into the darkest
corners of his soul...and beyond. Beneath the carefully constructed veneer of Geoffrey Dodd lies something wretched,
insidious and foul. Something that's rotting him from the inside out.
Q: Did
you run into any difficulties getting the shorts finished? A: Fortunately I
can say that I haven't really had any issues in post or on the back end. I like to make sure I have the money to do
what I know will have to get done, even though sometimes it's not that easy.
Q: You
played a part in casting both of the shorts. After seeing the finished products are you satisfied with the choices you
made? A: Yes, 100%. I couldn't have asked for more from my actors. The people
we chose were always on time and willing to do what needed to be done. We made sure to have some great, intense
rehearsals because it's really important that the actors become their characters and believe what they are saying/doing.
I need to get lost in the world the actors are creating and I believe the actors we chose did an amazing job.
Q: On the Fatal Pictures website I see that both shorts won a few festival awards. Are either
of the shorts still on a festival run? A: Worm is currently still on the festival circuit. Be sure to check
it out at a genre festival in your town!
Q: Do you have any release plans for the shorts? Maybe a combination DVD?
A: It's definitely a possibility in the future.
Q: The Fatal Pictures website also mentioned that you were developing some full length scripts. Any plans
to turn Consumption or Worm into a full length feature? A: Yes.
Both of the shorts have great potential to be feature length films. In fact, screenplays for both are currently being
worked on.
Q: Any other short or full length plans us "slasher" fans might enjoy?
A: Yes, actually. Our next film is going to camera in March of 2011. It's a genre film titled Familiar
so please keep an eye out for it.